четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

VIC: Main Stories in today's Melbourne newspapers

VIC: Main Stories in today's Melbourne newspapers

MELBOURNE, Dec 9 AAP - The main stories in today's Melbourne newspapers:


Page 1 - Water-bombing aircraft save historic Hydro-Majestic hotel in Blue Mountainswest of Sydney as worst of weather passes.

Page 2 - Starlet Imogen Bailey in hospital with chest infection; Aerial firefighterElvis back in Sydney to fight bushfires.

Page 3 - Wiggles in Melbourne for concert; Saddam Hussein issues belated apology toKuwait for the 1990 invasion which sparked the Gulf War; ALP refugee policy wins supportfrom a member of the Howard government's Immigration Detention Advisory Group; ForeignAffairs Minister Alexander Downer predicts Philippines will go ahead with anti-terrorismpact.

World - UK PM Tony Blair further embroiled in his wife's property scandal after revelationsthe accountant involved is facing fraud charges; Singer Marc Anthony weds former MissUniverse Dayana Torres.

Finance - Office, hotel and factory building expected to take over from house constructionfor builders nest year; US Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill's resignation sends gold priceto six month high.

Sport - Jockey Sean Campton outed for 30 meetings after four careless riding suspensions;Peter Lonard wins the Australian Masters title at Huntingdale.

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